Correction Policy

At Quicktodaynews, maintaining the accuracy and credibility of our news content is a top priority. We are committed to correcting any factual errors promptly and transparently. If an error is identified in any of our published content, we follow the steps outlined below to address it.

Identifying Errors:
We encourage our readers to notify us if they believe there is an error in any of our articles. You can contact us with details about the error, including the article’s title, URL, and a description of the issue. Our editorial team will review all reported errors and verify the facts.

How We Handle Corrections:
Minor Corrections (e.g., typographical errors, misspellings, grammatical issues):

Minor corrections will be updated directly in the article without further notice, unless they significantly affect the content or meaning of the piece.
Factual Corrections (e.g., incorrect names, dates, numbers, quotes, or statistics):

When a factual error is found, we will update the article to reflect the correct information and include a correction note at the end of the article, explaining what has been changed.
Major Corrections (e.g., substantial content that affects the story's integrity):

In cases where a major correction is required, we will update the article with the correct information and include a prominent correction notice at the top or bottom of the article, clarifying the mistake and the corrections made.
Updating Stories:
In some cases, a story may evolve as more information becomes available. When significant updates are made to an article (rather than corrections), we will include an update notice indicating that the story has been revised or expanded to provide the latest information.

In rare instances, if a published article is found to be fundamentally flawed or inaccurate, we may decide to retract the article. In such cases, we will post a retraction notice in place of the original article, explaining the reason for the retraction.

Reader Engagement:
We value feedback from our readers. If you notice any errors or inaccuracies in our content, please contact us at We appreciate your assistance in ensuring the quality and accuracy of our reporting.